Her Light- Oct. Poem

My heart fills with joy every time I see her,

I feel my heart rapidly beating

It’s as if it wants to be hers, and only hers,

My heart lives for her.

So, why does my mind not?

It constantly forced me to second guess my instincts

It makes me regret the things I didn’t do.

Why must I have a mind that lives in darkness?

Soon enough it lets this beautiful light

slip out of my hands.

My heart overpowers my mind for a moment

I ask her as she begins to walk away,

“Am I yours?”

she turns around looking me in the eyes

staring in silence no words are heard,

nor will they ever be.

she turns back around and leaves just as fast as she came,

the light my heart lived for was no longer present.

so, why?

Why do I still long for her?

My heart is again encased in darkness

It doesn’t beat for anyone anymore

So, why must it continue to beat so fast?

I feel it continuously bang itself against my lungs,

Whenever I talk to others, I like, it suffocates me

I’m unable to speak as it punches the air out of me.

I wonder how foolish my heart can be

How is it possible that it remembers her light?

Why hasn’t it gotten over her light?

Why does it only accept her light?

Some days I’ll follow my heart to see where it guides me,

I lay down and listen to its rhythm, its song,

I shut off my mind

Letting my heart take control of me completely,

Often, I find myself sprinting into the depths darkness.

With every step taken I find myself immersed in a darker shadow

Why do I run? I wonder.

Alone I run in a space full of darkness.

I begin to see a small, bright light in the distance

It was her who shone a light into the cave I call my heart.

Her eyes pieced through the pitch-black darkness

Her aura soon covered it with the warmth of the sun

I sprinted towards her,

But after what seemed like months

I never got closer.

Her eyes are embedded into my hearts mind

It was the last wonder it saw of her.

I stay engulfed in darkness

I stay chasing a dream

But no matter what,

I’ll never reach her.


picture  –  http://onejourneyatatime.com/site/post/Ecuador-8.aspx

Pretty Is A Lie ( October Free Choice)

Pretty is a lie. The word itself can only bring about harm.

See, if you turn to a friend and call them pretty. What are you really saying? You’re saying that their body looks nice or their clothes look nice or their makeup looks nice. You aren’t calling them pretty. When you insult your friend by calling them pretty the person across the room will overhear you.

That person already having issues with their appearance will feel more flawed, depressed, hurt. Believing that her eyes, her hair, her lips, her body is the epitome of pretty. Knowing they she herself can’t ever fit this image of pretty we’ve falsely created, she’ll find herself alone. Possibly crying. Possibly cutting. Possibly dying.


Possibly dying?

How can we be so naive to let this definition of pretty drag us down to thinking about death?

Pretty shouldn’t define a great body image. It shouldn’t define who we are. Now, wait, I’m not saying we should abolish the word pretty. No. But, we should change its meaning. Change it to something bigger than outward appearance. Something everyone can change about themselves. Something worthy enough to be called pretty.

These words: beauty, beautiful, captivating.

They all have one thing in common. They are all seen, but not felt. Yet, all of them can be made to fit a positive definition. How? Add one word to it.

Inner beauty. Beautiful heart. Captivating aura.

Now, all these words cannot be given a negative light. They’ll be overheard and the person who overhears them can think personality instead of body. They’ll think about something they can change about themselves, rather than getting depressed about thinking about something they cannot.

So, stop calling your friends pretty, it only insults them, stop hurting others, subconsciously, stop putting so much emphasis on body image. Instead complement your friends with comments about how great their heart is. Help people who overhear you by showing them what a kind heart is.

Start sharing and creating more inner beauty.

https://theonettiencube32.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/beauty-isnt-about-having-a-pretty-face-what-a-lie/ – picture

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