A Tear

The rapids of the river move with the intentions to cause harm. Anger flows through ever crystal clear drop of water. Waves continuously crashing into surrounding obstacles, wishing to obliterate it. With nothing able to calm down this unmanageable beauty of nature, it continues to create further disruption towards the other beauties around it. Its anger savagely ripping apart bull-sized boulders, cleanly cutting apart the roots of nearby trees, and eroding the soil on either side with ease.

The river howls and cries, but its unknown whether, it howls with frustration, or whether it cries in despair. To any ear the emotion of despair and frustration sound the same. Flowing emotion, thought to only cause harm, looked at further, could seem as if it’s searching for help.

Slowly, clouds begin to concentrate over the moving body of water. Dark clouds move above the river with an objective to rain. The clouds cry, they cry relentlessly. They cry with great emotion. They cry with sympathy towards the river. They cry in order to help a fellow friend.

Its tears create a rippling upon the water it lands on. The strong downpour drowns all sound of the rivers howls and cries. Suppressing the woes and pain of the river, the rain creates a surface-cool on the, once, rampant river. It feels the tears connect with its soul; its core. Calming down to show its worried friend, that they’ve helped. Although a peaceful appearance is given, the river still moves with great pace. Unknown to the river itself; unknown to its nature-friend, the clouds, why.

Why does the river still move with such intensity? Is it because it’s trilled to know that someone cares? Maybe. Or is it because the tears caused only a surface-peace and the anger or despair remains underneath the calm and collected surface? Either way, the chilled appearance has stopped its unpredictable rampage.

The rain.

It has such a powerful impact on the soul. The said “tears of God” possess the strength to suppress the strongest pains. These tears are able to connect with the heart of a soul. They are godly enough to help a desperate, confused friend.

Would we need these “tears of God” to help us relax.


But it wouldn’t be able to connect with our hearts. Never will it be able to; for we aren’t close to being a force of nature. We’re on a lower status compared to the rain. There’s no way we can help the tears created by clouds with their problems.

Yet, we can use our tears, our emotions, our hearts, to help those we can relate to. For if one of our tears, filled with true emotions, were to land upon someone we sympathized with, the impact would be extraordinary. They would forget about their own pain and ask why you are crying. They ask because your concern has traveled into their hearts. Your concern suppresses their pain to the point they will start to concern themselves with what’s bothering you. The feelings of sympathy given off of a single tear will be enough to touch someone’s heart.

Now the true question is: would you use your tears to help show others in deep pain, that their pain matters, that you care for them, that, your tears, will be enough to connect with, their, hearts.


picture – https://uwaterloo.ca/renison/water-advocacy-rob-case

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